To request plasmids, please follow these procedures:


   1. Fill out detailed Work Plan for each

requested plasmid.


          2. Send completed work plan to:


          3. Fill out Material Transfer Agreement forms, sign,      

    and have an official from your institution sign them.   


   4. Send two completed sets of MTA’s to:

                   Deanna Vandiver  

                   Office of Technology Development

                   LSU Health Sciences Center

                   433 Bolivar Street     Rm. 827

                   New Orleans, LA     70112


                   Fax: (504) 568-5588


5.  After approval send shipping and handling fees* to:

                                 Jakob Reiser Ph.D.


                                 533 Bolivar St.   Rm. 606

                                 New Orleans, LA  70112


6.  Make checks payable to: The Foundation LSUHSC


*Fees will vary pending the number of plasmids requested and the destination of shipment.