School of Medicine

Catholic Student Association (CSA)


The CSA highlights the multi-faceted persona of a medical student. Through meetings and discussions, CSA explores medical topics in the light of Catholic teaching. CSA also seeks to unveil the rich Catholic culture in New Orleans, a place that is home to the second oldest diocese in the United States. CSA members participate in the archdiocese’s Young Adult Ministry offerings such as Theology on Tap, are invited to an annual reception at the archbishop’s house, and attend a monthly Sunday Mass together followed by lunch in the New Orleans area. In the future, CSA hopes to organize more opportunities to serve others in New Orleans as well as a one day retreat for students to learn more about their faith and grow closer to God. All students are welcome to attend, regardless of religious affiliation.

CSA symbol

“In Christ and through Christ man has acquired full awareness of his dignity, of the heights to which he is raised, of the surpassing worth of his own humanity, and of the meaning of his existence.”     – Blessed Pope John Paul II

Advisor Catherine Hebert  
President Sarah Simmons
Vice President Connor Robin
Treasurer Stephen Ecuyer
Secretary Shelby Dwyer
Service Chair Sophie Palopoli