School of Medicine

New Orleans Adolescent Reproductive Health Project (NOARHP)


The mission of NOARHP is to ensure that all Orleans Parish public school students have access to age-appropriate, evidence-based, culturally sensitive and comprehensive reproductive health education, leading to safer, more responsible reproductive health decisions.

NOARHP places LSU Health, Xavier University College of Pharmacy, and Tulane School of Medicine students in New Orleans area schools to teach a comprehensive reproductive health course. Additionally, it provides FREE, confidential STI screening program in conjunction with the course

NOARHP has been 100% student led and student designed since its inception in 2011, including all curriculum development, curriculum implementation and project expansion. Furthermore, it plans to stay student led as it expands its reach into more schools and adapts its curriculum to changing school needs.

Group Contact Info

Advisor Ryan Pasternak  
Co-Chair Taylor Fitzpatrick-Schmidt