Michelle Korah-Sedgwick
Associate Professor - Clinical
Medicine - Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine
- mkorah@lsuhsc.edu
- Medicine
Academic Office:
LSUHSC School of Medicine
1901 Perdido St, Ste 3205
New Orleans, LA 70112
Clinical Office:
University Medical Center
2000 Canal St.
New Orleans, LA 70112
Dr. Michelle Korah-Sedgwick completed her medical degree at the American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine, and her residency in Internal Medicine/Pediatrics at LSU Health New Orleans as well as her fellowship in Allergy/Immunology at LSU Health New Orleans.
Dr. Korah-Sedgwick joined the LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine faculty in 2016 and is an Assistant Professor of Medicine. She sees adult allergy and immune deficiency patients in her clinic at UMC New Orleans.
Her research is focused on evaluating patients with chronic lung disease for immune deficiencies and identifying new tools and methods for immune evaluations in these patients.
2000-2004 - B.S. in Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology
Emory University
Atlanta, Georgia
2006-2010 - M.D.
American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine
St. Maarten
2010-2014 - Internal Medicine & Pediatrics
LSU Health Sciences Center
New Orleans, Louisiana
2014-2016 - Allergy & Immunology
LSU Health Sciences Center
New Orleans, Louisiana
Affiliated Hospitals & Clinics
University Medical Center
1. Multi-author textbook (2019). Recurrent Abdominal Pain in Pediatric Allergy and
Clinical Immunology A Case-Based Collection with Multiple Choice Questions (pp. 653-657).
2. Korah-Sedgwick, M., Wall LA. EBV Infection in XLP1 Manifested Solely by Behavioral Aggression and Effective
Treatment Using Rituximab. Case Reports Immunol. 2018 Jun 7;2018:3705376
3. Korah-Sedgwick, M., Sorensen, RU.. Review of Garcia-Parba et al, “Tolerance to egg proteins in egg-sensitized
infants without previous consumption.” Pediatrics: Supplement Synopsis Book Best Articles
Relevant to Pediatric Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. December 2015, Vol 136, Supplement
1. Ian Wisecarver, Sanjay Kamboj, MD, David Galambos, Michelle Korah-Sedgwick, MD, Ross McCarron, MD, Fred Lopez, MD. An Extreme Presentation of Angiotensin Converting
Enzyme Inhibitor-Induced Angioedema. J La State Med Soc VOL 169 November/December
2. Elizabeth L Wisner, Michelle M Korah-Sedgwick, Luke A Wall, Jack J. Bleesing, and Victoria R Dimitriades. Harnessing pharmacogenomics
to guide the treatment of LRBA deficiency. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
, Volume 139 , Issue 2 , AB105. 2017
3. Korah-Sedgwick, M., Wall, L.. Successful treatment of Epstein-Barr infection with rituximab in a patient
with X-linked lymphoproliferative disease. Annals of Asthma, Allergy, and Immunology
Supplement (2015) San Antonio, TX.
4. Korah-Sedgwick, M., Paris, K.. Ataxia Telangiectasia presenting with absent IgG, IgA, and elevated
IgM. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Vol 137, Issue 2, Supplement, Page
AB222. February 2016
5. Korah-Sedgwick, M., Paris, K.. Recurrent human papillomavirus infection and delayed diagnosis of idiopathic
CD4 lymphocytopenia. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Vol
135, Issue 2, Supplement, AB35 (2015).
6. Korah-Sedgwick, M., Wall, L., Paris, K.. Post-surgical pleural effusion as the initial presentation
of nickel hypersensitivity and rapid resolution with corticosteroid treatment. Annals
of Asthma, Allergy, and Immunology. Supplement (2013) Baltimore, MD.
7. Korah-Sedgwick, M., Wall, L., Paris, K.. Persistent pleural effusion due to nickel allergy following
use of implantable bar for pectus excavatum repair. Journal of Investigative Medicine.
61.2 (2013) 489.
8. Korah-Sedgwick, M., Dimitriades, V.. Erythema multiforme presenting as Kawasaki disease. Journal of
Investigative Medicine. 61.2 (2013) 380.
9. Jordan, M., Korah-Sedgwick, M., Engel, LS.. A prolonged refractory case of asthma? Maybe not. Journal of Investigative
Medicine. 61.2 (2013) 395
Title: Determine the Prevalence of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria Isolation from Showerhead
Biofilms in the Greater New Orleans Area and its’ Association with Human Pulmonary
Spoonsor: Wetmore Foundation
Role: Co-Primary Investigator
Dates: 2021