Clinical Correlation Course for Freshmen Medical Students

A 45 minute program with direct patient interaction and outlining Lung Pathophysiology in Tuberculosis with emphasis on anatomy.

Back to Basics Course for Sophomore Medical Students

A 2-hour multi-disciplinary, multi-faculty program incorporating basic sciences, behavioral sciences, TB epidemiology public health and clinical issues.

TB Chest Conference

Geared towards Junior Medical Students; Clinico-Radiological Correlation

TB Clinics

Geared towards senior medical students and residents rotating through the TB Clinic
Based on the CDC/ATS Guidelines

Drug Resistant TB: A world tour

Download Presentation

MAC Articles

The US Fulbright Scholar Award Juzar Ali LSU Ege Experience

LSU-EGE Fulbright Faculty exchange program under Dr. Juzar Ali’s Fulbright Alumni Initiative Award

TEACH Program (Tuberculosis Education Aimed at Community Health)

A community-based educational program with Medical students.

At the end of the TEACH program, the participating student will be able to:

  1. Have an increased awareness of the public health importance of tuberculosis
  2. Increase his/her knowledge base of the subject
  3. Identify public misconceptions about TB and appreciate cultural and ethnic differences in their comprehension.
  4. Enhance communication skills and establish a base for future leadership role in public health.

View Powerpoint presentation with additional information

The Many Faces of TB


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Last updated 6/2011.