School of Medicine


Research Support



A Novel Regulatory Role of Protein S in Blood Coagulation                 09/01/2014- 07/31/2018

Role: PI


Completed Research:


UNC Funding (Vice Chancellor of Research)                                   12/01/2011-11/30/2013

 Regulation of Factor IXa/VIIIa by Protein S                                   

 independent of APC

Role: PI


Institutional Funding Rinku Majumder (PI)                                        12/15/2010-11/30/2010

(Corrigan Endowment)

Regulation of Factor IXa/VIIIa by Protein S independent of APC

Role: PI


R41 GM083393 Steven Burgess (PI)                                                 05/1/2009 - 04/30/2010

NIH STTR                                                                                                          

Identification and Characterization of a Novel Lipid Molecule for Membrane-free Coagulation Reactions

Role: Co-PI