School of Medicine

Bioinformatics and Data Science Program


The LSUHSC Bioinformatics and Data Science (BID) Program's Strategic Research Roadmap serves as the guidepost for the campus to reach its full potential in bioinformatics, genomics and data sciences research, educational and service missions. The Core elements of this strategic roadmap with goals are described below.


Strategic Goals of the Program

Recognizing that research, education, and service in bioinformatics and genomics are inherently interdependent and mutually supportive, the program has the following strategic goals that address the dimensions of LSUHSC's mission.

Goal 1: Research - To be a recognized nationally and internationally leader in bioinformatics, genomic and data sciences research, leveraging and strengthening the multidisciplinary research faculty who are spread across multiple schools and Centers.

Goal 2: Education - To educate and train the next generation of researchers and medical professionals. We will accomplish this goal by developing a total package of educational offerings in bioinformatics, genomics and data sciences, including developments of graduate and outreach programs.

Goal 3: Services - To develop a user-centered and COST-RECOVERY or SHARED COST system to support faculty research efforts as they use bioinformatics tools, genomics and data science resources and techniques, independent of physical location of their research laboratories.

Goal 4: Infrastructure - To develop and maintain a scalable interoperable technical infrastructure that allows high performance and cloud computing for fast and efficient data analysis, modeling, visualization and integration of large-scale multiplatform and multiscale biological and clinical data.

Goal 5: Collaboration - To foster research partnerships, integrating research programs across campus, promoting opportunities for collaboration with Centers, other LSU campuses, other universities and health organizations, as well as the not-for-profit and for-profit sectors, and to expand regional, national, and international collaborative partnerships in biomedical research.