School of Medicine

Department of Cell Biology & Anatomy

Postdoctoral Program

Postdoctoral Researchers

Postdoctoral Researcher

Chelsea Kasten, Ph.D.

Degree:  Ph.D. in Addiction Neuroscience, Indiana University

Advisor: Tiffany Wills, Ph.D.


Regulation of sex-dependent behavioral phenotypes and glutamatergic signaling by the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis


2020 8:22:52 AM

My long-term research goal is to understand how neuroadaptations induced by adolescent alcohol exposure interact with secondary insults in adulthood, such as stress, to dysregulate emotional behaviors. I am currently focused on the role of metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 in mediating adolescent alcohol-induced disturbances in preclinical models of negative affective states.