Office of Medical Educaiton

Gradaute Medical Education

Needle Stick/Exposure Incident Protocol

Should a needle stick/exposure incident occur, do the following:

1) Report IMMEDIATELY to the ER for evaluation.  Follow any guidelines/protocols for the individual clinical site.

2) Notify your supervising faculty and/or training program director of the incident immediately.  Complete the DA1973 & DA2000 reporting templates with as much information as possible.  DO NOT DELAY SUBMISSION of these templates if you do not have all pieces of requested information.  Completed reporting templates should be submitted to  All incidents should be reported within five calendar days.

3) Once the completed forms have been received by HRM, you will be provided with the established worker’s compensation claim number to include a billing address should further treatment become necessary.

4)  Should you have questions or need additional guidance, you should contact Human Resources at or 504-568-7812.

Additional guidance on the worker’s compensation process is available at

Additional guidance on the incident and accident reporting process is available at