Health Profession Pathway Initiative


  • Career Awareness Days;
    • Middle and high school students are brought to LSU Health Sciences Center for a full-day and given faculty overviews of medicine, nursing, dentistry, allied health, veterinary medicine, and pharmacy, followed by lunch with community physicians and interactive tours of  labortories given by basic scientists.
  • Summer Science Program (SSP):
    • This is a 5-week program for high school students who come to LSUHSC from around the state to experience an academically enriching environment and participate in educational and motivational activities. Students are exposed to biomedical research, and have hands-on experience in medicine, nursing, dentistry, allied health and other health fields.  Please use the following link to apply 
    • High School Summer Science Application 
  • High School Healthcare Careers Lunch and Learn Sessions Grades 9-12
    • The Office of Diversity and Community Engagement in partnership with Youth force Nola and Junior Achievement have created quarterly Lunch and Learn sessions with area high schools for students in grades 9-12 to engage with healthcare professionals about career opportunities in medicine. 
  • Tiger Stripes Afterschool Tutoring
    • An afterschool program for (30) 6-8 grade students at select partner schools who have expressed interest in having medical school students serve as tutors to provide homework assistance, eighth grade LEAP exam preparation, sharpen math and science test-taking skills, and discuss healthcare awareness through living a healthy lifestyle.
  • Stem Nola Fellows 
    • In collaboration with the STEM NOLA Organization LSU School of Medicine Office of Diversity & Community Engagement Host grades 9-12 students on LSUHSC campus each semester for 4 hours on a Saturday to expose students to educational and motivational activities. Students participate in hands-on activities in our robotic simulation labs, and are presented with opportunities to engage in biomedical research.
  • Black Men in White Coats 
    • A program created by the Office of Diversity & Community Engagement in partnership with an all-male high school where male medical school students mentor underrepresented and underprivileged male students interested in healthcare careers at their school siteThe medical school mentors visit the students twice a month and provide opportunities for students to visit LSUHSC campus to engage in on campus activities.

Contact Geri Davis, Outreach Director