Welcome to the LSU Pediatrics Endocrinology Fellowship Program!

Thank you for your interest in our Pediatric Endocrinology Fellowship Program!
Our division offers an accredited 3-year training program with positions available for 1 fellow each year. The program provides training and experience to prepare the participant for a career in Pediatric Endocrinology and certification by the American Board of Pediatrics Subboard of Pediatric Endocrinology. The program has been ACGME certified since 1999.
Fellows will gain clinical experience amongst a team of supportive faculty, residents, and ancillary staff. In addition, fellows will further develop the multiple skills valued in academic medicine - teaching, research, quality improvement, and administration.
Clinical Training
During the fellowship period, the trainee gains extensive inpatient and outpatient experience:
Inpatient: During his/her period on service the fellow will participate with the attending in the admission and evaluation of all pediatric endocrine inpatients. Primary admissions to the endocrine service are usually newly diagnosed diabetic patients and those who have had an acute deterioration in control. In addition patients with hypopituitarism and Diabetes Insipidus may be admitted for control of fluid and electrolyte status. The fellow's work is supervised closely by the Pediatric Endocrine attending. All clinical notes in the patient record by the fellow must be reviewed and signed by the attending. The fellow participates in daily clinical and teaching rounds with the pediatrics residents and medical students assigned to the care of the Pediatric Endocrinology patients.
In addition, the fellow performs consultations on inpatients requested from the general pediatrics and other subspecialty services and performs the initial evaluation and supervises the special endocrinology testing procedures done at the short stay unit.
Outpatient: The fellow participates in the outpatient clinics with different endocrine attendings generally having 2 diabetes clinics and 4 endocrine clinics per month (usually having a total of 1-2 half day clinics per week). On the outpatient side for new patients, the fellow is expected to take a complete and comprehensive history, obtain all appropriate anthropometric measurements, and do a complete physical exam with particular attention to endocrine manifestations, especially as regards the chief complaint. They are expected to generate differential diagnosis and generate a plan for coming to the diagnosis and appropriate management. In addition, they are also expected to supplement information provided by the attending's discussion of the case with reading from appropriate reference materials. Unusual or novel aspects of the case should be pursued by the fellow in the literature. The sophistication of the overall evaluation is expected to be commensurate with the fellow's experience and time in the program.

Ricardo Gomez, MD
Program Director