School of Medicine

Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program in Biomedical Sciences (PREP)

 2017 9:58:09 AM 

The goal of the LSUHSC-NO PREP is to prepare individuals from backgrounds underrepresented in the biomedical sciences, who have recently completed their baccalaureate science degrees, for successful enrollment, retention, and completion of a PhD training program during a one-year research education program.  We aim to enhance the diversity of the biomedical research workforce by preparing PREP Scholars for the rigors and challenges of a biomedical doctoral degree program so that they will successfully obtain a PhD degree and contribute their expertise to the biomedical scientific community.

The grant will provide recent biomedical science postbaccalaureates hands-on exposure to medical research and advanced courses and workshops to develop scholarly potential to prepare them for graduate school admissions, successful completion of the Ph.D., and careers in biomedical research. 

The grant will be executed by a strong leadership team, 26 committed faculty research mentors, institutional advisory council, external advisory council, scholar recruitment contacts at nearby universities, and consultants from outside of LSUHSC.  The LSUHSC PREP will become the regional hub for advancing the educational opportunities for students from groups underrepresented in the biomedical sciences.

“We are thrilled to have the opportunity to enhance the diversity of the biomedical sciences workforce.”


$1.4 million grant to fund LSU health research pipeline - Read article

Program Outcomes

  • 18 Scholars who completed the PREP are enrolled in Ph.D. Programs or have accepted a Ph.D. Program representing a 63% success rate
  • 2 Scholars have earned an M.S. degree in biomedical sciences
  • 1 Scholar is currently enrolled in an M.S. degree program
  • 1 Scholar has earned an M.S. degree and is currently a LSUHSC-NO medical student

The LSUHSC-NEW ORLEANS POSTBACCALAUREATE RESEARCH EDUCATION PROGRAM IN BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES (PREP) is supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number R25 GM121189 (2017-2023) and R25 GM148309 (2023-2028).

2024 group