School of Medicine

The Pulse


Cell Biology and Anatomy:

Emma Schachner, PhD, Associate Professor was interviewed on NPR TED Radio hour (and on the associated podcast) on January 15, 2021. They interviewed her about her reptile and bird lung research. She was one of four people featured in a themed episode on breathing. Here is the NPR TED Radio Hour interview:


Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery:

Daniel Nuss, MD (Chairman) and Rahul Mehta, MD (faculty) were Co-Directors of the North American Skull Base Society's Skull Base Surgery virtual workshop in November 2020.

Michael Dunham, MD (faculty) and Rohan Walvekar, MD (faculty) have been named Co-Directors of the LSUHSC Medical Innovation and Design Studio, 2020. MIDS is a program of LSUHSC designed to assist healthcare workers in bringing their ideas for medical innovation to development; it includes concept development services, computer design for devices, and assistance with production and patent application.

Daniel Nuss, MD (Department Chairman) was a Visiting Professor at the University of Mississippi Department of Otolaryngology in January, 2021.

Ellis Arjmand, MD recently presented grand rounds at Southern Illinois University (OTO department); the University of Texas at Austin Department of Ophthalmology; and at the University of Pittsburgh/Pittsburgh Children's Hospital.



Dr. Corey Hebert of the Ambulatory Division is representing the department well in several television spots each week during the pandemic, clearly communicating what our community can do to stay safe: "Wash Up, Mask Up, Separate, Vaccinate."