Day with the Docs

Day with the Docs is a partnership pipeline program designed to give Highschool students with a serious interest in becoming physicians a chance to see what life is like as a medical student and get an up-close look at LSUHSC School of Medicine in New Orleans. The event is coordinated by the second-year medical students at LSUHSC, co-sponsored by the Southwest, Southeast, and Central Louisiana Area Health Education Centers (AHEC), and the public school systems of participating parishes. The Highschool students have the opportunity to learn from the medical students through hands-on activities such as Laparoscopic trainers, Gross Organs, Heart and Lung sounds, Patient Case simulation, Echocardiogram, and Stop the Bleed. The event also includes the opportunity for the students to learn about the medical school admission process and medical school curriculum, as well as learn what life is like as a medical student through a Q&A panel with the second-year medical students.

Second-year medical students are given the opportunity to think back on their high school days to recognize the kind of impact they have on these students, and how the experience they provide for the Highschool students can be one of the defining factors in their career exploration journey. The program’s goal is to ensure that these rural areas are well represented in hopes of a chance for these students to return as medical professionals. Day with the Docs strives to set a spark in these Highschool students to go on to become amazing doctors.