Mission Statement
To provide opportunities and clinically relevant experiences that help to create better
medical students and to educate interested members about the exciting field of Emergency
Medicine. The LSUHSC Emergency Medicine Interest Group (EMIG) is an organization whose mission is to provide both education and experience in the
field of Emergency Medicine.
If you are considering Emergency Medicine as a possible career choice, or just want to gain some experience in the Emergency Room setting, then EMIG is the place to start.
Benefits of belonging to EMIG
- Only EMIG members may sign up to volunteer at LSU Interim Hospital (University). EMIG provides your malpractice coverage.
- Priority scheduling for skills lab workshops
- Ultrasound
- Splinting/Casting
- IV
- Suturing
- Free food provided at lunch meetings with speakers presenting a variety of topics in Emergency Medicine
- Custom EMIG T-shirt
Welcome to the LSU Emergency Department! Nowhere else in America can you find a more
exciting place in which to experience emergency medicine. LSU – EMIG is proud to be
able to allow its members the opportunity to volunteer in this unique environment.
Please use the following guidelines and rules when volunteering at LSU Interim Hospital:
• Join EMIG/pay dues
• Read volunteer instructions and sign up for a timeslot with the following links:
Volunteering in the ER Instructions
Advisor | Dr. Elizabeth Clement | ecleme@lsuhsc.edu |
President | Carlie Callais-Lagarde | ccall7@lsuhsc.edu |
Executive VP | Calia Schexnayder | csche5@lsuhsc.edu |
VP BLS | Courtney Lovoi | clovoi@lsuhsc.edu |
VP Community Affairs | Jared Robinson | jrob43@lsuhsc.edu |
Volunteer Coordinator | Sarah-Elizabeth Polley | spoll3@lsuhsc.edu |
Skills Lab Coordinators | Blake Shaw | bshaw2@lsuhsc.edu |
Skills Lab Coordinators | Bryn Wooten | bwoote@lsuhsc.edu |
Secretary | Jordan Richard | jric32@lsuhsc.edu |
Treasurer | Anna Morgan | amor19@lsuhsc.edu |
BLS Coordinators | Ann Byerley | abyer3@lsuhsc.edu |
BLS Coordinators | Jalon Walker | jwal22@lsuhsc.edu |
BLS Coordinators | Griffin Smith | gsmi13@lsuhsc.edu |
• Student Procedure Manual
o http://www.medschool.lsuhsc.edu/emig/Procedure%20Manual.htm
• American College of Emergency Physicians
o http://www.acep.org/
• Emergency Medicine Residency Association
o http://www.emra.org/