School of Medicine

Harris Center for Infant Mental Health

Conference Presentations

2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2010-13


Child Sexual Abuse: Myths and Facts about Young Victims
NASW-Louisiana Chapter- Annual Conference, Baton Rouge, LA
Michele Many, LCSW; March 2016.

The Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Young Children
Poster accepted to the International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans, LA.
Kristin Callahan, Ph.D., Joy Osofsky, Ph.D. , Michelle Moore, Psy.D., Tonya Hansel, Ph.D. & Jennifer Hughes, Ph.D.; May 2016.


Infant Mental Health: Interventions and Treatments That Work
Presented at the 2015 Zero-to-Three National Training Institute, Seattle, Washington.
Mary Dozier, Ph.D., Chandra Ghosh Ippen, Ph.D., Brenda Jones Harden, Ph.D., Joy Osofsky, Ph.D., and Phillip
Stepka, Psy.D.; December 2015.

Building Strong Foundations: Serving Military-Connected Families Through Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) and Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
Presented at the 2015 Zero-to-Three National Training Institute, Seattle, Washington
Robin Gurwitch, Ph.D., Joy Osofsky, Ph.D., and Phillip Stepka, Psy.D.; Decmeber 2015.

Communication: Developing Authentic Conversation and Interviewing Skills
Together We Can Conference, Lafayette, LA
Amy Dickson, Psy.D. & Michele Many, LCSW; October, 2015.

Grief and Loss for Babies and Toddlers
Zero to Three Military Family Projects Audio Conference, Online
Michele Many, LCSW; April 2015.

The impact of Hurricane Katrina on young children
Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Convention, Hilton Head Island, SC.
Michelle Moore, Psy.D., Kristin Callahan, Ph.D. & Tonya Hansel, Ph.D.; March 2015.

Reaching Out: Integrating Infant Mental Health Work in Primary Care Pediatric Clinics
Presentation given at Zero To Three National Training Institute, Seattle, WA.
Joy Osofsky, Ph.D., Kristin Callahan, Ph.D., & Amy Dickson, Ph.D.; December 2015.

Working with Families of Young Children in Dependency Court
The Orleans Parish Infant Team, National Child Advocacy Center Annual Conference, Huntsville, Alabama
Amy Dickson, Psy.D.

Effects of Childhood Trauma on Mothers
Poster Presentation at the Annual ISTSS Conference, Miami, Florida
Amy Dickson, Psy.D.; November 2015.

Childhood Maltreatment and Developmental Delay
Featured Poster Presentation at the Annual ISTSS Conference, Miami, Florida
Amy Dickson, Psy.D.; November 2015


Sexual Trauma and Sexual Behavior Problems
Presented at the 2014 Integrating Trauma-Informed Practice in Child Welfare Conference, New Orleans, LA
Phillip Stepka, Psy.D.

Child Parent Psychotherapy Training of State Child Welfare Clinicians
Sponsored by: Magellan Healthcare, New Orleans, LA
Joy Osofsky, Ph.D., Phillip Stepka, Psy.D, & Amy Dickson, Psy.D.

Predicting Who Succeeds:  Outcomes of parents with intellectual disabilities whose young children are involved in the foster care system
American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana
Amy Dickson, Psy.D.

Working with Parents with Intellectual Disabilities:  How court teams can make a difference
American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana
Amy Dickson, Psy.D.

Evaluate the Youngest Abused and/or Neglected Children and Their Caregivers:  Dos and Don'ts
American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana
Amy Dickson, Psy.D.

Lasting Systemic Change:  The Success of a Court Team's Work with Young Children in Foster Care
National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana
Amy Dickson, Psy.D.

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and Protective Factors: Effects on Parenting
Louisiana Child Well-Being Summit, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Amy Dickson, Psy.D.; April 2014.


Effects of the Deepwater Horizon gulf oil spill on children affected by multiple disasters.
Poster presented at the 2013 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.
Joy Osofsky, Ph.D., Howard Osofsky, M.D., Ph.D., Tonya Hansel, Ph.D., Erin Reuther, Ph.D., & Kristin Callahan,

Magellan Mental Health Clinician Training
Child Parent Psychotherapy Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Amy Dickson, Psy.D.; November 2013.

Children of the Superstorm:  Keeping Them in Mind and Looking Ahead
Early Childhood Mental Health Response Conference at Adelphi University
Amy Dickson, Psy.D.; November 2013.

Learning Collaborative Group Leader
Child Parent Psychotherapy Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana
Amy Dickson, Psy.D.; July 2013.

Psychological First Aid
Anniversary of Hurricane Sandy Conference at Adelphi University, Garden City, NY
Amy Dickson, Psy.D.; January 2013.

Developing Relationships and Meeting the Needs of On-Base Military Service Members and Their Families
Presented at the 2012 National Child Traumatic Stress Network All-Network Conference, Baltimore, MA
Phillip Stepka, Psy.D.

Resiliency in Our Most Vulnerable Children: Working with Children 0-5 in the Foster Care System
5th Annual Children's Mental Health Awareness Summit: Trauma and Resiliency: Heroes of Hope, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Amy Dickson, Psy.D.

Identifying and Working with Children 0-5 through Infant Mental Health, Part I and II
Arkansas Conference for Parent Education and Home Visitation, Hot Springs, Arkansas
Amy Dickson, Psy.D.; September 2012.

Strengthening resilience and developing posttraumatic growth in children, adults and communities following disasters.
American Psychiatric Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Howard Osofsky, M.D., Ph.D., Joy Osofsky, Ph.D., Michelle Moore, Psy.D. & Rebecca Shahmoon Shanook, Ph.D.
Working with Children from Military Families: In the School and on the Base
Webinar presented for the National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Phillip Stepka, Psy.D., Joy D. Osofsky, Ph.D., and Lisa Schuster, M.A.

Applying Principles of Child-Parent Psychotherapy with Military Families
Presented at the 2011 National Child Traumatic Stress Network All-Network Conference, Baltimore, MA
Joy Osofsky, Ph.D., Phillip Stepka, Psy.D. & Lisa Schuster, M.A.

Child-Parent Psychotherapy Conference
Hosted by LSUHSC- New Orleans, Louisiana
February 21-22, 2011, May 25-26, 2011 & September 26-27, 2011
Joy Osofsky, Ph.D., Amy Dickson, Psy.D., & Phillip Stepka, Psy.D.

Working with Children of Military Families Impacted by Deployment
Presented at the National Child Traumatic Stress Network All-Network Conference, New Orleans, LA
Joy D. Osofsky, Ph.D., Howard J. Osofsky, M.D., Ph.D., and Phillip Stepka, Psy.D.

Court Team Model
APSAC Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Amy Dickson, Psy.D.