Caregiving for Cancer: Why and How to Practice Self-Care As a Caregiver

Caregiving for a person with cancer is no small undertaking. It involves helping with day-to-day tasks, minor medical needs, care team coordination, insurance issues, personal hygiene (such as bathing), and emotional support. 

Being a caregiver is a rewarding but demanding role. By focusing extra attention on your loved one, some of your needs and emotions may get pushed aside for the time being. This can be difficult to cope with and damaging to your health long-term. 

Caregivers can face physical challenges, such as fatigue, difficulty sleeping, risk of injury, and poor health. They can also face emotional challenges, such as frustration, stress, loneliness, depression, and anxiety. 

As a caregiver, taking time for yourself and practicing self-care is critical for your well-being. What’s more, it can help you provide better care to your loved one and be more present as they undergo cancer treatment. Here are 5 ways to engage in self-care as a caregiver. 

Don’t go at it alone.  

Many caregivers feel the need to focus primarily on their loved one’s needs as they undergo cancer treatment. However, this can mean pushing their own needs aside, which can be unhealthy for the caregiver and unhelpful to the patient-caregiver relationship. 

In order to take time for yourself, ask for help from other loved ones. Consider what tasks you can share, such as:

  • Completing household chores, like cleaning, yard work, or preparing meals
  • Driving your loved one to and from appointments
  • Picking up medications
  • Being the point of contact for updates regarding your loved one’s health status

Don’t hesitate to reach out for help, but also recognize that some people may not be prepared to do so. They may not have time, or they may have had a previous negative experience with cancer that makes them hesitant. Depending on your relationship with that person, you might choose to explain your needs more thoroughly or let it go and ask someone else.  

Keep in mind — there are other resources available, such as through the Louisiana Department of Health, that can support both you and your loved one. 

Make time for your own needs.  

Once you carve some time out for yourself, use it to recharge. This time will help you reconnect with yourself and be a better caregiver for your loved one as they navigate their cancer treatment. And you don’t have to do anything extravagant during “you time.” It could be as simple as: 

  • Spending time doing something that’s relaxing to you, such as napping, engaging in a hobby, exercising, meditating, or taking a walk
  • Connecting with others by making a coffee date with friends or attending a workout class
  • Maintaining your routine, even if you’re doing some activities at different times than you normally would 

Don’t feel guilty about truly focusing on yourself during this time. A few hours here and there can make a big difference in your well-being and ability to care for your loved one. 

Get in touch with your emotions.

Caregiving can bring fulfillment and satisfaction in caring for someone you love when they need it most. But it can also bring up negative feelings, such as: 

  • Stress and worry
  • Guilt and sadness
  • Irritability and anger
  • Isolation and loneliness
  • Anticipatory grief

It’s important to try to understand these feelings and not avoid them. You might do this by talking to a loved one who you trust, writing about it in a journal, or both. 

If you need extra support, don’t hesitate to connect with a mental health professional. You may be able to open up to them in a way you can’t with loved ones. They can help you find ways to express your feelings and cope with them. 

Prioritize your physical health. 

While caregiving, your physical health is just as important as before and after this role. Unfortunately, some caregivers set their own physical needs aside while caring for their loved ones. 

Take the lead on your health journey by: 

  • Keeping up to date with your own medical appointments, including check-ups and health screenings
  • Eating healthy, which might include planning ahead on certain days, such as for a long chemotherapy treatment 
  • Keeping an eye out for signs of depression (like sadness and loss of energy) and anxiety (like feelings of uneasiness and fear), especially if they last more than 2 weeks — and seeking support if you do notice these symptoms 
  • Getting enough sleep (between 7 and 9 hours each night) and supplementing with short naps when necessary 
  • Exercising regularly, such as with an outdoor walk or online workout — even if it’s just 15 minutes a day 

Find support among other caregivers.

Many caregivers of loved ones with cancer find it helpful to connect with others who have shared experiences. By joining a support group for caregivers of loved ones with cancer, you can:

  • Better understand your role as a caregiver
  • Understand an often confusing healthcare system
  • Learn ways to cope
  • Find comfort in others’ experiences

As a member of a support group, you might simply listen. Or, you might want to share your own thoughts and feelings. Remember that support groups are often available in person and online, and you can choose whichever fits your needs. 

Caregiving for Cancer: An Important But Challenging Role

As a caregiver, you’re taking on a crucial role for your loved one as they undergo cancer treatment. You’re also supporting the rest of your family by taking on these tasks and being there for your loved one. 

As you navigate the hurdles of caregiving, remember how much of an impact you are making on other people’s lives during their health challenges. Meanwhile, don’t forget about your own well-being. With a little self-care and support from others, you can take care of yourself and your loved one. 



Do you have questions about enrolling in a clinical trial at LSU LCMC Health Cancer Center? Call 504-407-7395 for more information about the benefits of clinical trials and what resources are available to enroll.


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