Thomas E. Sharp III, PhD
Thomas E. Sharp III, PhD
Assistant Professor
Section of Cardiology
Cardiovascular Center of Excellence
LSU Health New Orleans
Assistant Professor
Section of Cardiology
Cardiovascular Center of Excellence
LSU Health New Orleans
Mervin L. Trail Clinical Sciences Research Bldg. 533 Bolivar Street, Suite 417 New Orleans, LA 70112 Office: 504-568-8659 Fax: 504-568-3247 Email:
2010 BA – Neuroscience
Drew University
Madison, NJ
2017 PhD – Molecular and Cellular Physiology
Temple University, LKSOM
Philadelphia, PA
2020 Fellowship –
LSU Cardiovascular Center of Excellence
LSU Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine
New Orleans, LA
Research Interests
My basic research laboratory is focused on the develop and translational application of novel therapeutic strategies to combat cardiovascular diseases. Specifically, utilizing in vivo small and large animal models to recapitulate clinical pathophysiology and to gain insight into novel mechanism which drive disease progression. With this knowledge my laboratory then investigates innovative and novel therapeutic strategies to alter the development, manifestation and progression of cardiovascular diseases. Area of interest include cardioprotection, post myocardial infarction remodeling, and the restoration or preservation of cardiovascular function in the setting of heart failure with an emphasis on heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. The primary goal of my laboratory is to investigate and assess novel therapeutic strategies and their translational application towards altering cardiovascular disease states. It is my hope that this research will lead to novel and clinically meaningful interventions for patients who suffer with cardiovascular disease and ultimately impact human health.
Selected Publications
Sharp TE, Scarborough AL, Li Z, Polhemus DJ, Hidalgo HA, Schumacher JD, Matsuura TR, Jenkins JS, Kelly DP, Goodchild TT, Lefer DJ. Novel Gottingen miniswine model of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction integrating multiple comorbidities. JACC: Basic to Translational Science. 2021;6:154-170
Sharp TE, Gong Z, Scarborough A, Goetzman ES, Ali MJ, Spaletra P, Lefer DJ, Muzumdar RH, Goodchild TT. Efficacy of a novel mitochondrial-derived peptide in a porcine model of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury. JACC: Basic to Translational Science. 2020:466
Organ CL, Li Z, Sharp TE, Polhemus DJ, Gupta N, Goodchild TT, Tang WHW, Hazen SL, Lefer DJ. Nonlethal inhibition of gut microbial trimethylamine n-oxide production improves cardiac function and remodeling in a murine model of heart failure. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2020; 9: e016223
Polhemus DJ, Trivedi RK, Sharp TE, Li Z, Goodchild TT, Scarborough A, de Couto G, Marbán E, Lefer DJ. Repeated cell transplantation and adjunct renal denervation in ischemic heart failure: Exploring modalities for improving cell therapy efficacy. Basic Research in Cardiology. 2019;114:9
Sharp TE, Polhemus DJ, Li Z, Spaletra P, Jenkins JS, Reilly JP, White CJ, Kapusta DR, Lefer DJ, Goodchild TT. Renal denervation prevents heart failure progression via inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2018;72:2609
Sharp TE, Kubo H, Berretta RM, Starosta T, Wallner M, Schena GJ, Hobby AR, Yu D,Trappanese DM, George JC, Molkentin JD, Houser SR. Protein Kinase C Inhibition with Ruboxistaurin Increases Contractility and Reduces Heart Size in a Swine Model of Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction. JACC: Basic to Translational Science. 2017;2:669-683
Sharp TE, Schena GJ, Hobby AR, Starosta T, Berretta RM, Wallner M, Borghetti G, Gross P, Yu D, Johnson J, Feldsott E, Trappanese DM, Toib A, Rabinowitz JE, George JC, Kubo H, Mohsin S, Houser SR. Cortical bone stem cell therapy preserves cardiac structure and function after myocardial infarction. Circulation Research. 2017;121:1263-1278
Full List of Publications - Sharp TE [Author] PubMed