April 25 – GME Coordinator Retreat – Learning Center Lecture Room at 8:30am – 4pm April 20 – GMEC Meeting

April 25 – GME Coordinator Retreat – Learning Center Lecture Room at 8:30am – 4pm April 20 – GMEC Meeting
Dr. Kourtnie Robin has joined the LSU School of Medicine Office of Student Affairs as the Director of Student Affairs.
Mark your Calendar! Please join us for the Dr. Robert S. Daniels Distinguished Lectureship in Medical Education on Friday, April
Continually evolving demands placed on LSU Residency Coordinators were the driving force behind the creation of the LSU School of
We would like to thank five of faculty who will be transitioning out of the leadership role as program director
Dr. Maren Batalden has accepted the invitation to deliver the keynote speech for the 5th Annual LSU School of Medicine
The Learning Center has implemented a new scheduling system to book all lecture rooms, simulation labs, and conference rooms. The
On February 2, seventy high school students visited LSUHSC and participated in simulation exercises by listening to heart/lung sounds, patient
Emergency Medicine held their Simulation Conference in the Learning Center on Wednesday, Feb 1st. About 40 residents participated in a
This is the 2nd year LSUHSC has used patient simulators from the Learning Center to teach the 1st year physiology