On July 3, LSU Pulmonary Critical Care Fellow and Faculty participated in video airway management training course. The 12 Fellows

On July 3, LSU Pulmonary Critical Care Fellow and Faculty participated in video airway management training course. The 12 Fellows
Effective July 1, 2017 the ACGME rolled out its major revision of Section VI of the Common Program Requirements. According
The GME office held four dates for mask fit testing over the months of April and May. At these sessions,
Over 200 incoming house officers are scheduled to attend LSU Orientation on Tuesday, June 27 in preparation for the 2017-2018
The VA Medical Center is planning their hospital grand opening in August! The medical center clinics have been open for
University Medical Center New Orleans hosted its annual Intern and Resident of the Year Luncheon at the Windsor Court Hotel
On January 3, 2017 Student Affairs along with the GME office hosted their annual Residency Planning Day. 195 Juniors spent
On Thursday, June 30, 2016, the staff of the Graduate Medical Education office will welcome 250 incoming house officers for
Congratulations to the 4th Annual QI/PS Forum Presentation Winners Best Oral Presentation: *LSU Internal Medicine Impact on ED Throughput Pictured above:
Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals Secretary Dr. Rebekah Gee and Governor John Bel Edwards met with LSU