School of Medicine

Department of Otolaryngology

Medical Student ENT Interest Group


The goal of the Ear, Nose, and Throat Interest Group (ENTIG) is to offer LSU medical students exposure to the field of Otolaryngology. Students will have the opportunity to engage with LSU faculty members & residents through guest lectures, mentorship, skills labs, research opportunities, and community service events.

Executive Committee

reilly helm

Reilly Helm

connor robin

Vice President:
Connor Robin

aimee galatas

Aimee Galatas

reed smith

Reed Smith


What’s happening with the ENT Interest Group?

So far this year, two meetings have been held!  At the first meeting, Dr Daniel W. Nuss, Professor and Chair, Department of Otolaryngology, as guest speaker spoke about what an ENT is and does and presented a few of his most interesting cases to the ENTIG.

At the second meeting, there was a resident Q&A panel where the ENTIG was able to hear from a resident from each year. They answered a list of questions that had been collected from members of the club, mostly concerning the match process, how to be a competitive applicant, and what LSU ENT residency is like.

Coming up in November, the last meeting of the semester will host a ShENT panel where several female ENTs from each sub-specialty will share their insights.   

Lastly, sometime in the next few months, Dr Vilija Vaitaitis, Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology, along with some of the residents, will join the ENTIG in having an ultrasound/endoscopy workshop.

Next semester, we also will be participating in the Health Fair at Luke's House to provide head and neck cancer screenings.

If interested in joining the ENT Interest Group, please contact:

Elizabeth "Reilly" Helm (she/her)
LSUHSC New Orleans School of Medicine | Class of 2026
ENTIG, OnIG | President | 225-301-1991



Nasal Endoscopy/Thyroid Ultrasound Workshop

ENT faculty, Dr. Vilija Vaitaitis and Dr. Laura Pelaez, along with a few residents put on a Nasal Endoscopy/Thyroid Ultrasound Workshop for the LSU medical students in the ENT Interest Group. First and second year medical students were given the opportunity to learn about the utility of these procedures and given a chance to perform them with guidance of the faculty and residents.

Date held: 1/24/23.

Inspecting a Patients Thyroid Inspecting a Persons Nasal Cavity Testing on a Patient Nasal Endoscopy Team