School of Medicine

Department of Surgery


Alison Smith, MD, PhD
Director of Injury Research

Injury Division Research Projects


The Injury Division is actively engaged in multiple research projects encompassing trauma, burns, critical care, and acute care. Our work focuses on a wide range of clinical research topics to define the best standard of care for these complex patient populations. We present at multiple national meetings per year and have published multiple manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals. We collaborate with other Trauma centers on multi-institutional trials, and we are currently leading two multi-center trials through the Western Trauma Association and the Eastern Trauma Association. We also participate in several industry sponsored studies to investigate the use of novel treatment strategies in our patient population and in preclinical studies. We also have a basic science laboratory where trainees can get experience with animal and pre-clinical models of wound healing. We hope to provide a dedicated spot for a resident interested in research every year. We welcome any interested students, residents, or collaborators to join our efforts! We meet at UMC in the Trauma Conference room during the 2nd/4th Tuesday of each month at 3-4PM.